Thursday, February 22 – Collegiate Day of Prayer

The Power & Potential of United Prayer

“If added power attends the united prayer of two or three, what mighty triumphs there will be when hundreds of thousands of consistent members of the Church are with one accord day by day making intercession for the extension of Christ’s Kingdom.”  —John R. Mott

As concerned Oregonians, praying people, parents, grandparents, spiritual parents or friends of a college student, we feel deep concern about our local campuses. For almost 100 years, pastors and church members set aside a specific day to fervently pray and intercede for America’s college campuses. The Collegiate Day Of Prayer is an opportunity for us to unite with like-minded believers across the country and pray not only for our loved ones who attend college, but the broader campus community as well.

Join others across Oregon to pray for every college in our state. Pray Oregon will host prayer calls on Feb. 22 from 6am – 9am and 6pm-9pm ( 3-hours blocks), as well as an hour at noon.  Schedule and printable flyer: Collegiate Day of Prayer 2018 CARD PDF

Select the flyer for Oregon to share with your churches and prayer groups. We are asking the Lord for broad participation in the Body of Christ!


Please go the National CDoP website on the link below for resources, including ways to pray. Collegiate Day of Prayer Resources

How to use and invite others to the Zoom Conference call

Pray Oregon is inviting you to a statewide prayer call. We are using Zoom, which can be accessed by telephone, smart phone, tablet, or computer.

Join 1 of 3 ways:

  1. Join from web browser on PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
  2. Or iPhone one-tap:  16699006833,,5419997777#  or 16465588656,,5419997777#
  3. Or Telephone: 1-669-900-6833, or 1-646-558-8656, Meeting ID: 5419997777

To download the app on your smart phone (ignore this if not using a smart phone):

  • go to your Play Store
  • search for Zoom & choose Zoom Cloud Meetings
  • install the app, specifying your full name in the setup

If using a computer, the first time you use the URL link above it may need to download and install Zoom. You do NOT need to have your own account, we will be using the Pray Oregon account. You only need to connect to the link.

Feel free to try out the connection ahead of time and get familiar with the app on your smart phone or computer.


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